Staffing Needs Analysis

©Dean Ashton

The Minimum Staffing Need

The total number of taught periods P for a given subject is the sum of taught periods for each year group.

P = Cp7 + Cp8 + Cp9 + Cp10 + Cp11

where C is the number of classes in the year group taking the subject and p is the number of periods per timetable cycle that each class studies the subject for.

If ts is the number of contact lessons taught by the average classroom teacher with no additional responsibilities, then from ts and P we can estimate a Minimum Staffing Need figure Tmin

Tmin~P / ts

Tmin can be calculated more accurately by including the value of management time f the number of extra non-contact periods awarded to teachers with responsibility.

Tmin = (P + f) / ts

Staffing Needs - Tutoring

In many schools there is a time-tabled tutor period that nearly all staff teach. Any such commitment will add to the teaching load of a faculty and therefore its teaching needs.

If the number of compulsory tutor periods is designated as q then we can calculate the Tutoring Factor as q / ts

As a result of the tutoring factor the Minimum Staffing Need will be increased to give a Maximum Staffing Need of:

Tmax = Tmin x (1 + q / ts)

Operational Staffing Need

If nt teachers in a faculty do not contribute to the compulsory tutor period then the staffing need will be reduced by: nt x q / ts to give an Operational Staffing Need (T) of:

T = Tmax - (nt . q / ts)


T = (1/ts )(P + f)(1 + q / ts) - (nt . q / ts)
